AGM 2024
10.00 | 11th October 2024 | Costa i Llobera, 66, Artà
Dear owners,
The owners’ meeting in Spain is scheduled for 11 October 2024. We will hold the meeting at the premises of our administrator in Artà. You will receive directions in a separate message. 11 owners have registered for the in-person meeting. All others can participate electronically. You will receive another message about this as well.
As always, the election of the president will be on the agenda. I would be willing to stand as president again and will therefore put myself forward for re-election. If any other owners want to take over the office, they must please register their candidacy with me before the 30 September and I will ensure that their name is included on the voting form.
Anyone who is on site in Artà can of course vote there directly. Anyone attending electronically can also vote. A proxy is not required. Anyone who is not on site and cannot or does not wish to participate electronically can either send a proxy to me or to another co-owner who is participating on site or electronically. The proxy form was enclosed with the invitation. The proxy can be sent electronically. It does not have to be in the original. Please send the power of attorney by e-mail to both me and the administrator ( ; You can do this without comment.
If you only send the power of attorney, you leave it to your representative to decide as they see fit. If you want to give instructions to the authorized representatives, note your respective voting request on the agenda sent to you and send this agenda to the administrator and me together with the respective power of attorney.
The AGM agenda will follow the normal format and will be issued to all owners in advance of the meeting together with any relevant information. If any owner has a specific item that they would like to raise at the AGM I would like to invite them to provide a summary of the information to myself by the 30 September and I will include it as an agenda item and the information will be shared with other owners prior to the meeting. The owner will be expected to make a short presentation of their agenda item and to provide sufficient information to enable owners to vote on the item if required to do so. This should include :
- The impact to the community of the proposal
- Any benefits to the community
- Relevant costings if the proposal requires investment from other owners
In addition, there will be some preparatory topics to discuss. This concerns, for example, considerations regarding a collective contract for the purchase of electricity, which has been requested by some owners. Or the installation of solar panels, which has been advocated by many owners. I have not taken any preparatory steps in the last year because I first wanted to have the topics of roof repair, tiling, general maintenance and painting at least initiated or completed to such an extent that we can get a realistic picture of the costs that will arise in the next few years. I assume that this assessment will be crucial for the owners’ appetite for further investment projects.
Finally, there are a number of perennial issues at our AGM (cats, late payment of contributions, etc., hedge height)
With this in mind, I would ask you to send any contributions you may have by the end of the month at the latest.
To download all the necessary information regarding the agenda items to be discussed, please use the button below. You can also join online by using the ‘Join via Zoom’ button.
Kind regards
Wolfgang Kaup